• The Global Writers Hub - Perspective Image: Interior and Exterior
  • The Global Writers Hub - Perspective Image: Interior
  • The Global Writers Hub - Perspective Image: Temporary Space
Zoe Bodvai
Bachelor of Interior Architecture

Dan Hazen summarises that 'research libraries are under pressure to adapt their traditional functions [as they] face existential questions of whether and how they fit in the emergent Internet environment.' It is because information and resources are increasingly available through the internet and portable technologies that Libraries, as physical destinations, are slowly diminishing. In turn, a significant component of knowledge is neglected.

It is because of Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of knowledge that the intention of this project is to redefine the library as a place for collaboration and social interaction. In doing so, the library can become a meaningful Third Place which connects the local community and encourages interpersonal interactions.

In order to facilitate this, this project proposes a space for a global collaborative project located within St. Kilda, formerly Vineyard, known as The Global Writers Hub.