• Caulfield in the mix
  • Caulfield in the mix
Joseph Semeredi
Master of Architecture

The project responds to Victorian planning policy, Melbourne 2030, which envisions Victoria as a network of mixed-use ‘Activity Centres’. The project focuses on one of these identified Activity Centres, Caulfield, a site of transition and contestation under development pressure from various public and private interests. The design mediates and resolves this pressure through a reworking of part of MGS Architect's masterplan, located adjacent to Caulfield train station. The project capitalises on this 'confluence' point by proposing a mixed-use building and urban spaces including: housing, teaching/study space, various retail, recreational and cultural programs. The project creates 24 hour population and increases the ‘cultural’ life of the area with a mix of informal circulation spaces that can be appropriated by a variety of user groups. The narrow building form is program along pedestrian circulation spiraling up from the train station to Build S, connecting to the above ground University network.